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CAS ConnectEd Courses
Explore our extensive selection of courses designed specifically for CAS Coordinators, tailored to enhance your skills and effectiveness in guiding students. Whether you're looking to deepen your understanding of individual topics or seeking a comprehensive approach, you have the flexibility to purchase courses individually or but them in a bundle.
Available Courses
CAS ConnectEd offers numerous courses for CAS Coordinators to help them empower learning and inspire impact within their communities.
How do we monitor portfolios?
Setting expectations, monitoring standards and developing understanding.
IB Subjects and TOK
Creating meaningful connections with the subjects and TOK.
Creating legacy
Making an impactful program,
a CAS culture and experiences that last.
Creating CAS projects
Step by step guide to understanding and creating CAS Projects.
Child Safeguarding?
Educating students to protect themselves and those who they work with.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) are an integral part of the CAS experience.
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